Custom Account Providers
Although The Identity Hub supports many out-of-the-box Account Providers, you might need one that is not available because:
- You want to support a proprietary authentication method
- You want to support a legacy user authentication database
- ...
Create a Custom Account Provider
Step 1: Copy the necessary assemblies
To start developing you need to copy the following assemblies to your development machine:
- U2UConsult.dll
- U2UConsult.Framework.dll
- U2UConsult.Framework.Identity.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.Contracts.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.Data.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.Web.dll
The assemblies can be found in the installation folder of The Identity Hub. If you have trouble locating the assemblies contact us.
Step 2: Get the Example Visual Studio Class Library project
You can also create and start from a new Microsoft Visual Studio class library project. However we suggest you first try the example project and then create your own project.
The example project can be downloaded from
- Open the project in Visual Studio 2017 or higher.
- You will find 7 classes in the project explained below. The name of the classes is arbitrary.
In this example it is assumed that authentication validation happens within The Identity Hub using a custom view and model. This might not apply to every Custom Account Provider. If the Custom Account Provider redirects the user to an external site for authentication no local model and view is needed. Furthermore, if your Custom Account Provider uses a standars protocol like OAuth, OpenID Connect, Client Certificates, SAMLP... you can start from one of the out-of-the-box base classes available in the following libraries:
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.ClientCertificate.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.OAuth2.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.OpenIdConnect.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.Samlp.dll
- U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.WSFederation.dll
The entry point for calls from The Identity Hub infrastructure.
class CustomAccountProvider : IAccountProvider
Property or Method | Description |
int AccountProviderId | The instance id of the Account Provider. Set by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
U2UConsult.IdentityHub.Contracts.AccountProviders.IAccountProviderManager AccountProviderManager | The Account Provider Manager of the Account Provider. Set by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
System.Guid AccountProviderTypeId | A System.Guid uniquely identifying the type of the Account Provider |
bool AlwaysShowDisplayName | true to always show the display name of the Account Provider, even when an image is available. |
U2UConsult.IdentityHub.AccountProvider.AccountProviderConfiguration ConfigurationSettings | The configuration settings for this Account Provider. Set by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
bool IdentityCanEditInformation | true if the information coming from the Account Provider can be edited, false otherwise. |
string DisplayName | The display name of the Account Provider. |
string IssuerName | The issuer name of the user information returned by the Account Provider. |
bool LinkWithEnabled | true if Accounts of the Account Provider can be linked to other Accounts of other Account Providers, false otherwise. |
bool LogOnEnabled | true if the Account Provider can be used to Authenticate, false otherwise. |
System.Uri ProviderImageUrl | The URL pointing to the image to display for the Account Provider. |
bool RemoveAllIncomingClaimsThatAreNotMapped | true if all incoming claims that are not mapped using claim mappings need to be removed, false otherwise. |
bool SupportsSignOut | true if the Account Provider supports single sign out, false otherwise. |
string[] ProvidedClaimTypes | The claim types returned by this Account Provider |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ICollection<Claim>> GetListOfClaimsAsync(HttpRequestBase request, string state) | Called by The Identity Hub infrastructure to retrieve the information (claims) from the authenticated user |
System.Uri GetProfileUrl(Claim name, Claim privatePersonalIdentifier) | The URL to profile of the user at the Account Provider. Return null if not available. |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Uri> GetSignInUrlAsync(Uri returnUrl, string state) | The URL to redirect the user for authentication using the Account Provider. |
System.Uri GetSignOutUrl(Claim name, Claim privatePersonalIdentifier, Uri returnUrl) | The URL to redirect the user for single sign out using the Account Provider. |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ProcessLogonResult> ProcessLogOnAsync(HttpContextBase httpContext) | Method called when the user has (attempted) to authenticate using the Account Provider. Use this method to process the authentication response. |
void ProcessSignInComplete(HttpRequestBase httpRequest, string state) | Method called when the sign in (authentication) using the Account Provider is complete. |
void ProcessSignOut(HttpContextBase httpContext) | Method called when the user signs out. |
Method GetListOfClaimsAsync
Parameter | Description |
System.Web.HttpRequestBase request | The current web request |
string state | A state passed by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
The Identity Hub infrastructure will call this method after succesfull authentication using the Account Provider. The method should return the information on the authenticated user as claims.
Method GetProfileUrl
Parameter | Description |
System.Security.Claims.Claim name | The name claim of the user. |
System.Security.Claims.Claim privatePersonalIdentifier | The PPID claim of the user. |
Method should return the url to the profile of the user for this Account Provider. If no profile url is available, return null.
Method GetSignInUrlAsync
Parameter | Description |
System.Uri returnUrl | The URL to return to after authentication using the Account Provider completes. |
string state | A state passed by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
Method should return the url where the user should be redirected for authenticating using this Account Provider
Method GetSignOutUrl
Parameter | Description |
System.Security.Claims.Claim name | The name claim of the user. |
System.Security.Claims.Claim privatePersonalIdentifier | The PPID claim of the user. |
System.Uri returnUrl | The URL to return to after authentication using the Account Provider completes. |
Method should return the url where the user should be redirected to sign out for this Account Provider.
Method Task ProcessLogOnAsync
Parameter | Description |
System.Security.Claims.Claim name | The name claim of the user. |
System.Security.Claims.Claim privatePersonalIdentifier | The PPID claim of the user. |
System.Uri returnUrl | The URL to return to after authentication using the Account Provider completes. |
The Identity Hub infrastructure will call this method after the user returns from the external authentication. The method should process the authentication response and return a success or failure.
void ProcessSignInComplete
Parameter | Description |
System.Web.HttpRequestBase request | The current web request |
string state | A state passed by The Identity Hub infrastructure |
The Identity Hub infrastructure will call this method after the processing of the authentication of the user by The Identity Hub completes.
void ProcessSignOut
Parameter | Description :--- | :--- System.Web.HttpRequestBase request | The current web request The Identity Hub infrastructure will call this method when the user is singing out.
This class allows for adding specific configuration parameters for the Account Provider. These can be retrieved from a database, configuration file...
class CustomAccountProviderConfiguration : AccountProviderConfiguration
Currently it is not possible to configure these parameters in The Identity Hub UI.
The Account Provider Manager is called by The Identity Hub infrastructure when retrieving, deleting, updating an Account Provider, its configuration... .
You can use this class to validate the update, create and delete of a Custom Account Provider or manipulate the configuration before it is returned to The Identity Hub infrastructure.
class AccountProviderManager<T, U> : AccountProviderManagerBase, IAccountProviderManagerCache, IAccountProviderManager
where T : AccountProviderConfiguration, new()
where U : IAccountProvider, new()
class CustomAccountProviderManager : AccountProviderManager<CustomAccountProviderConfiguration, CustomAccountProvider>
Property or Method | Description | Override Required |
System.Uri AccountProviderDefaultImageUrl | The default image URL of this Claim Provider | Yes |
string AccountProviderDisplayName | The displayname of this Account Provider | Yes |
bool AccountProviderImageConfigurable | true if the image URL for this Account Provider can be changed |
Yes |
bool AccountProviderIsUnique | true if only one instance of the Account Provider can be created per Tenant |
Yes |
U2UConsult.IdentityHub.Contracts.AccountProviders.AccountProviderProtocol AccountProviderProtocol | The protocol used by this Account Provider. Use Custom when using a proprietary protocol |
Yes |
System.Guid AccountProviderTypeId | An System.Guid uniquely identifying the type of the Account Provider | Yes |
bool DisplayNameConfigurable | true if the display name for this Account Provider can be changed |
Yes |
U2UConsult.DemoAccountProvider.CustomAccountProviderConfiguration GetAccountProviderConfiguration(CustomAccountProviderConfiguration storedConfiguration) | No | |
bool SupportsScimProvisioning | true if The Identity Hub can enable a SCIM service provider for this account provider, allowing accounts to be provisioned using SCIM protocol |
Yes |
string[] GetProvidedClaimTypes(IAccountProvider accountProvider) | The claim types returned by this Claim Provider | No |
System.Xml.Linq.XElement UpdateAccountProviderConfigurationTenantUrlSegment(XElement configurationXml, string currentUrlSegment, string newUrlSegment) | When the URL of the Tenant of this Account Provider changes, this method is called to allow updating the configuration of the Account Provider | Yes |
string[] ValidateCreateAccountProviderConfiguration(CustomAccountProviderConfiguration configuration, string tenantUrlSegment) | To validate the configuration of a Account Provider before it is created. A string array of validation errors can be returned. Return an empty array when there are no validation errors. | No |
string[] ValidateDeleteAccountProviderConfiguration(CustomAccountProviderConfiguration configuration) | To validate the configuration of a Account Provider before it is deleted. A string array of validation errors can be returned. Return an empty array when there are no validation errors | No |
string[] ValidateUpdateAccountProviderConfiguration(CustomAccountProviderConfiguration oldConfiguration, CustomAccountProviderConfiguration newConfiguration) | To validate the configuration of a Account Provider before it is updated. A string array of validation errors can be returned. Return an empty array when there are no validation errors. | No |
Factory class to create new CustomAccountProviderManager instances.
class CustomAccountProviderManagerFactory : IAccountProviderManagerFactory
Method | Description | Override Required |
IAccountProviderManager GetAccountProviderManager() | The methods need to return an instance of the Account Provider Manager | Yes |
You can use this class to instantiate and configure the Account Provider Manager.
CustomAccountProviderSignInViewModel & SignIn.cshtml
This is a specific model and view for the example Custom Account Provider. This might not apply to every Custom Account Provider. If the Custom Account Provider redirects the user to an external site for authentication no local model and view is needed.
Helper class for cookies for this example Custom Account Provider
Step 3: Install the Custom Account Provider
Installing a Custom Account Provider is a simple copy and paste operation.
- In the root folder of The Identity Hub web site create the following folder structure
- Copy the U2UConsult.DemoAccountProvider.dll in the AccountProviders folder
- If your account provider has a custom controller (eg CustomAccountProviderController ) with a view SignIn.cshtml: copy the view to the folder named after the controller
- Edit the web.config file and add an application setting
set to true. - If your account provider has a custom controller: also add an application setting
set to true to the web.config. - Recycle the IIS Application Pool so the Account Provider is picked up by The Identity Hub
See The Identity Hub Configuration
Step 4: Activate the Custom Account Provider
- Navigate to the URL of your The Identity Hub installation and sign in as Hub or Tenant Admin.
- In the left navigation click Account Providers.
- Click on Add
- You will have to supply the common configuration parameters.
- Click Save. You will navigate to the list of Account Providers where the activated Account Provider will be listed.