The Identity Hub has a SDK for PHP.
Download the SDK source from here
Getting Started
Download or Clone the SDK.
Find the config.php file in the lib theidentityhub folder and locate the following fragment:
$this->config->baseUrl = "{tenant}";
$this->config->clientId = "[Your Application Client Id]";
$this->config->redirectUri = "https://[Your path to SDK]/theidentityhub/callback.php";
$this->config->signOutUri = "https://[Your path to SDK]/theidentityhub/signout.php";
$this->config->signOutRedirectUri = "[Your redirect link]";
Change the configuration as follows
Replace [Your Application Client Id] with the client id from your App configured in The Identity Hub.
Replace [Your URL segment] with the url of your tenant on The Identity Hub.
Replace [Your path to SDK] with the base url of your site. Configure the redirect uri in your OAuth 2.0 App parameters at The Identity Hub.