OAuth 2.0 Introspection Endpoint
This OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint can be used by an app to get information on an access token.
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v1/introspect/
Introspect an access token
Name | Values | Description | Required |
token | The access token as a string | The access token to verify. | Yes |
client_id | The Client ID you obtained from the Apps admin page | The Client ID uniquely identifies your App. | Yes |
client_secret | The Client Secret you obtained from the Apps admin page | The Client ID and Client Secret are used to authenticate your App. | Yes if available |
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v1/introspect/ HTTP/1.1
Host: theidentityhub.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Another option is to use Basic Authentication using the base64 encoded binary representation of clientid:clientsecret
POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v1/introspect/ HTTP/1.1
Host: theidentityhub.com
Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50aWQ6Y2xpZW50c2VjcmV0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
If the access token is valid, the response is a json result containing the following info on the access token:
Name | Values | Description |
active | true or false |
This is a boolean value of whether or not the presented token is currently active. |
scope | A space delimited set of scopes | The list of scopes associated with this token. |
client_id | The id of the client for who the token was issued. | |
profile | ||
roles |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
"active": "true",
"profile": {
"displayName": "John Doe",
"emailAddress": "doe@mail.com",
"givenName": "John",
"identityId": "5556264304309685609",
"surname": "Doe"
"scope": "Read Write",
"roles": [],
"client_id": "6822953328218568729"
The following information is always returned by the Introspection endpoint (if available for the user), regardless of the App configuration:
Attribute Name | Description |
userName | The Identity Id |
userNamePasswordAccountUserName | The user name for the build-in Username/Password Account Provider (if user has such an account) |
userNamePasswordAccountUserNameMustBeEmailAddress | true if the username of the Username/Password Account Provider has to be an email address |
emailAddress | Email address of the user |
emailAddresses | All email addresses of the user |
mobilePhone | Mobile phone number of the user |
mobilePhoneVerified | true if the mobile phone number was verified |
givenName | Given name of the user |
givenNames | All given names of the user |
surname | Surname of the user |
surnames | All surnames of the user |
displayName | Display name of the user |
identityId | The Identity Id |
smallPictures | All small picture URL's of the user |
mediumPictures | All medium picture URL's of the user |
largePictures | All large picture URL's of the user |
lastLogin | Last time (UTC) the user logged in |
isArchived | true if the user is archived |
disabled | true if the user is disabled |
oldIdentityIds | List of merged Identity Id's if the user has merged one or more of his/her user accounts |
privatePersonalIdentifier | The Identity Id |
emailAddressVerified | true if the email address is verified |
Other information is only returned when the information is set as available in the App configuration.
If the access token is invalid, the response is the following result:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache